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“COME WHAT MAY” Movie Screening
at Rodeheaver Auditorium
Thursday, Jan. 22nd at 7:00 PM, Doors open at 6:00PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Special Admission Price Per Person


Special Event


Movie DVDs will be on sale at the screening

Instructions: To reserve tickets, simply select the admission you would like to attend and click “Pay Now”
All ticket reservations will be delivered electronically in the form of a Paypal email receipt.

Family Discount

(Family of 4)


To attend this special screening, purchase tickets as soon as possible.

Online ticket prices are $3.00 per person

OR $5.00 at the door
(Prorated discount for Families will still apply)

BUY in ADVANCE and get the best price

Rodeheaver Auditorium, 901 Park Avenue, Winona Lake, IN 46590

(Scroll Down for Google Map directions)

Family Discount

(Family of 5)


7:00 PM

Family Discount

(Family of 6 or more)



Payment Receipt at the Door as Your “Ticket”

Accepting Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover and Paypal